Trim Fast?

15th August.

Well, I'm sitting here drinking red wine and adding to my 'TrimFast' project, in the hope that writing and setting goals will help me do a bit of pound-shedding. I'm doing this instead of a) exercising b) not drinking red wine. Still. At least I'm writing.

I did have a thought yesterday that I should maybe start calling my project 'TrimGradual' or 'Trim Yeah Right', as my progress seems slow. I've been setting myself targets of 128 lengths daily and managing around... 30. Did I set the bar too high? Hard to say. I did manage 64 today though, so technically half a mile. I can't say it demanded that much effort though; the sun was shining, the water was blissful. And I did it in very manageable chunks: 10 lengths every three hours.

I had another motivation, aside from the cooling water. The Spanish girls surrounding me today (and the last few days) have been beyond slender. Their metabolism must be 10.5 times the average human being's, and on top of this the only thing they put in their mouths is cigarettes and perhaps the odd piece of minty chewing gum. I think the average dress size here is a 2.  The only plus side to this being that a whopping UK size 12 (and that's as big as it gets) is always in the sale.

So. I'm sipping red wine here and thinking back to my day of meagre exercise and relatively minute self-control. I confess that at the first sign of temptation today – a cake with my coffee – I gave in. To be fair, I did give 50% of it away, but to be honest I didn't even want it. I just saw it as a treat because it's something I'm not allowed to eat.

If only I could see apples in the same light...


  1. Hello H,

    There is a specialised type of farming devoted to raising vegetables and berries. This contrasts with more extensive cereal, dairy and orchard fruit farming.

    Market gardening is so-called not because of size, but because English-speaking farmers traditionally referred to their vegetable plots as "gardens". In common speech, husbandry done by the hoe is gardening and husbandry with the plough is farming regardless of the scale.

    You may not be aware of research that indicates that since humans started cereal farming around 10,000 years ago, a number of studies have shown that health deteriorated in populations that adopted cereal agriculture.

    OTOH, produce conveniently sourced from market gardens, dairy farms & orchards, when consumed with animal protein of all types, will provide a diet that closely resembles the paleolithic diet our foraging Mesolithic ancestors consumed.

    The Reboot juicing regime is an effective method to start the change you want to see. When you achieve your goal, continue by deliberately avoiding cereals & just juice for two days per week, in order to maintain the weight with which you are comfortable. Such a routine should not be difficult to continue, even if you do not take much exercise, although a daily 2 mile 20 minutes jog will support a positive frame of mind.

    The journey of a thousand miles starts with a first step. The life story of Jack LaLanne is inspirational. He grew up in Bakersfield, California and later moved to Berkeley when he was still a child. His father died at the age of 58 of a heart attack, caused in part by poor nutrition. LaLanne wrote that as a boy he was addicted to sugar and junk food. He had violent episodes directed against himself and others, describing himself as "a miserable goddamn was like hell." Besides having a bad temper, he also suffered from headaches and bulimia, and temporarily dropped out of high school at age 14.  Here's a link.

    I would stress that you should consider the phrase “Nullius in verba”, which means “Take no one's word for it”. Google is your friend when it comes to reading your way to where you ant to be.

    Yep, it's a lot to take in, but what have you got to lose? To take on board a new idea, first you have to let go of an old idea. Now, if you'll excuse me, the juicer awaits. Lemon, celery, kale, apple, cucumber, ginger, carrot, beetroot, kiwi fruit & banana, to fill a one litre jug and swig down. It's OK to feel smug & virtuous as well.



  2. When did a size 12 become whopping? When my mother was young the "standard size" was size 14. She thought I was too skinny at size 10 - 12 when I was in my 20s. Size-fascism is a strange thing.

    We all should be happy with a size we feel comfortable with.

    Keep on writing.

    And good luck with the mile-a-day swim.


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